It's a Family Affair

It's a Family Affair

As we enter into the season of family-centered festivities, let's celebrate the interplay of art and kinship! Get ready to delve into the stories of families united in creativity: Louise Clasper Rumely and her daughter, Janet Susan Rumely, Percy Tarrant and his talented daughter, Margaret Tarrant, the harmonious partnership of Maud and Miska Petersham, the collaborative genius of Ida Rentoul Outhwaite with both her sister, Annie R. Rentoul, and her husband, Grenbry Outhwaite, and the extraordinary sibling connection between Maginel Wright Enright Barney and her renowned brother (can you guess who?). Lastly, we'll explore the creative legacy of the Darling family behind Laughing Elephant! These artistic unions have produced captivating works that continue to inspire and enchant us, and we can't wait to share more about them!

Illustrators Born in September

Illustrators Born in September

September is more than just changing seasons—it's a birth month for artistic brilliance! Discover the incredible illustrators born in September, from the good dogs of Alexandra Day to the timeless charm of Jessie Willcox Smith and the haunting works of Arthur Rackham. Explore their indelible marks on children's literature and art, along with many others, in our latest blog!
Let's Head Back to School!

Let's Head Back to School!

It's that time of year again! Experience the thrill of back-to-school with new school supplies and cherished nostalgia. Discover journal notebooks, the ABCs & 123s for beginning readers (including Good Dog Carl!), and vintage illustrations that celebrate lifelong learning for both kids and adults alike. Explore our collection for school essentials and embark on a delightful trip down memory lane!
Sunny Sunflowers

Sunny Sunflowers

As the season blooms, we can't help but celebrate the star of summer—the sunflower! We have a vibrant collection of sunflower illustrations from Art Nouveau decorations, paintings, and botanical drawings that we’ve transformed into delightful postcards, greeting cards, and art prints. Plus roses, gloxinias, hibiscuses, calla lilies, chrysanthemums, pansies, and Good Dog Carl enjoying them all!
Happy (Almost) Summer!

Happy (Almost) Summer!

As the first day of summer approaches (June 21st) for us in the northern hemisphere, it's the perfect time to bask in the nostalgia and charm of summers gone by! Join us as we take a trip down memory lane and immerse ourselves in the whimsical world of vintage illustrations that capture the essence of this beloved season. 
June 06, 2023 — Allison Frey
Laughing Elephant Loves Books & Readers!

Laughing Elephant Loves Books & Readers!

Laughing Elephant’s hometown of Seattle, Washington is a city that is often associated with coffee, grunge music, and rainy weather. But many people don't know that it is also a city with a vibrant literary scene! It was named one of two American Cities of Literature by UNESCO in 2017…

April 24, 2023 — Allison Frey